Life and Health coaching


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Oliver Stankovic Blog:





Each one of us, from time to time, gets to a phase when we want change and when we need it in order to regain balance in life, with people around us, and, above all, with ourselves. Regardless of whether this situation is just temporary or has been going on for quite some time – as a Life and Health Coach, Oliver Stanković will provide you with support in order for you to achieve a complete recovery in all aspects: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, conscious, and subconscious. You participate actively in your recovery process. Using professional and scientific methods, depending on the goal set, Mr Stanković will help you take a new path, overcome physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental barriers, and adopt new points of view in order to stay positive and vital in your own way in the long term. Every client is regarded as an individual and, together with their own needs, they are placed in the centre of the process at all times. The starting point of your Life and Health Coaching is a detailed bioresonance session conducted by means of SCIO, lasting for approximately three hours, during which a full insight into your state is obtained and obstructive areas are identified. They can be present at physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual level alike. In addition, there are obstructive areas in our environment, such as electrosmog or there are cases where a person’s social environment does not match their nature (anymore) and this environment could be changed. After a detailed first session, from the first to the last Coaching session, our activities will be solution-oriented. Instead of complaining about problems, we will actually work on them. Taking the change you want as a starting point, your personal goals will be defined. A precise evaluation of your current situation and the goal you pursue will be carried out. Depending on your goals, Mr Stanković will help you detect what is it that is missing on your way to the goal and what is it that is probably stopping you from achieving it. After this, you will together work out solutions that will lead to progress. This can include change in diet in order to gain more vigour, energy and to start feeling better, or a plan of physical activities, a detoxification plan, or implementation of new habits in everyday life.
