Based upon a strategic analysis, the formulation of an objective and expectations for the future, we develop a strategy for the career of a professional athlete. This means the long-term direction of all the activities of the athlete with the aim of marketing him or her successfully. Since a marketing strategy is not something that is fixed, but rather must remain in harmony with the developing and changing needs of our clients, olsta uses active methods of strategy building.
The following activities fall within the framework of consultancy and needs supervision of today’s professional athletes:
• to negotiate professional work contracts;
• to conduct contractual negotiations;
• to acquire sponsors and advertising partners;
• to acquire equipment contracts;
• to arrange public relations exercises such as… autograph sessions;
• to maintain and raise levels of recognition;
to conduct daily business, such as:
– fan club management;
– website design and management;
– planning of personal schedules, etc.
All the activities mentioned are of core importance to the athletes. They are by no means enough, however. It is the aim of our consultancy and needs supervision conception to relieve athletes of such concerns, in order that they may turn their full attention to their sporting career. As consultants, we take on responsibility for all other activities. This is dependent upon our building a relationship of mutual understanding and trust between our clients and ourselves. It also calls for the individual desires and requirements of our clients to be identified, in order that these can be proactively addressed. A high level of interactivity plays a decisive role here.